Pranay Patil Pranay Patil Welcome to my blog!
Putrajaya July 5, 2017 Putrajaya

Here's a picture of the city of Putrajaya, around thirty minutes south of Kuala Lumpur, which houses most of the national government buildings of Malaysia. Seen in this picture are the pink-domed Putra Mosque and, behind it, the green-domed Perdana Putra, which is home to the prime minister's office. I took this image from the Putra Bridge, another beautiful architectural feat, on my last day in Malaysia. Enjoy!

What is Machine Learning? June 28, 2017

If you've kept up to date with any of the latest announcements from tech giants like Google and Amazon or read about technological advancements made in industries such as finance and health, you have no doubt heard the term "machine learning" tossed around. But while it is easy enough to see that machine learning has drastically improved...

A Malaysian Sunset June 9, 2017 Selangor River

Here's a picture of a sunset from the banks of the Selangor River in Kuala Selangor that I was able to capture while traveling through Malaysia in January. A few friends and I drove up here from Kuala Lumpur to get a look at the hundreds of fireflies that live in the trees on the banks of the river. I shot this picture while waiting for it to get dark enough to actually be able to see the fireflies. Enjoy!

The Seattle Skyline December 29, 2016 Seattle

Here's a picture of the Seattle skyline at sunrise from Kerry Park that I took this past summer while interning at Amazon. I almost didn't take this picture, having put it off all summer long. Thankfully, however, I forced myself to get up at 4am before work on my last day in Seattle to shoot this scene and the resulting photograph has become one of my favorites. Enjoy!

First Post! December 24, 2016

Welcome to my blog! I'll be posting here about various things ranging from politics to computer science to photography. Be sure to check back often.